Spinal Corrective Center, P.C.
Family Chiropractor in Cedar Rapids, IA


About Us

Spinal Corrective Center, P.C. is a family practice serving people of all ages and abilities. Our purpose is to provide chiropractic adjustments for optimum correction of spinal alignment, which allows for the most complete neurological function and health expression.

Dr. Gene Cretsinger, Dr. Janet Cuhel, and the staff at Spinal Corrective Center, P.C. are committed to educating families on healthy living and well-being so you can make informed health care choices, which will positively impact your family today and in the future.

Everyday Chiropractic helps millions of people regain their health without the use of invasive procedures. Chiropractic, and the NUCCA approach, is highly researched and is one of the safest forms of healthcare available in the world today. Since it was discovered in 1895, Chiropractic has focused on finding and correcting the CAUSE of poor health and disease.

Please take advantage of all the information provided.

Remember, we are here because CHIROPRACTIC WORKS!